Match and pleasure fishing on 55 pegs

The poplars lake was opened in 1999. There are 55 pegs available on the Poplars lake. There is a central island approximately 13 – 14 metres away.
The lake was designed to allow most people with the average length pole to be able to reach the central island. The island is reed fringed with small trees and bushes steadily growing. The lake averages 5 feet deep down the middle and approximately 2 feet deep across to the island.
The lake holds, Carp to 9lb, Tench, Ide, Barbel, Roach, Perch, Rudd and Bream. Match bookings are taken on the Poplars lake.
Floating baits can be fished on the Poplars Lake. Popular methods are maggot during the colder months with a bit of corn across to the central island. In spring fish maggots, caster, chop worm up in the water for the ide or fish pellets, meat or corn across to the island. In summer, fish shallow spraying bait (maggot, caster, pellets) also put in a few floating pellets and fish a pellet 6" deep. Cat meat down the track and pellets size pieces of cat meat across to the island also work well.
The lake match record currently stands at 154lbs.